Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wah Wah

I went to the urologist today and the good news is that they were able to completely get all the stones on my right side. The bad news is there is another stone in the left side that is 8mm. I have to get lithotripsy done again in a couple of weeks. I was so mad at the office I just kept giggling. The reception laughed and said well at least you're not crying.


Ashley said...

Meg I am so sorry! Please let me know if there is anything I can do! Is it the same type of pain etc. Good Luck

Todd said...

You have every reason to "wah wah"
Good Luck!

Slades said...

It was fun to see ya the other day. Did you find décor for the office? I'm jealous of that job, sounds fun! I love to decorate.

g* said...

i was a bad friend last time... i'm not going to let it happen again! you're such a strong woman! it's ok to cry! love ya!