Thursday, August 21, 2008

Drama, Drama

I went in yesterday to get my second round of lithotripsy(blasting my kidney stones) and when I started to come out of anesthesia I started having a seizure. I seizured for about an hour and a half until they finally got me to come out of it. I remember about the last 5 minutes of it and being put into the ambulance. They took me over to UVRMC and I was admitted so I could start having a bunch of test done. Once they got me settled into my sweet room Johnny went home so he could get the kids. I had an EEG (I have no idea what that stands for) and a MRI. Both came back completely normal. So they have decided that I have developed an allergy to all medicine. I'm not allowed to take any over the counter medicine except tylenol and deffinetally no prescription medicine. I also can't have any soda and I need to avoid foods with aspartame. She told me if I'm in pain from passing my kidney stones and I really feel like I need to take something I have to do it with somebody around so they can help me if I start seizing. Exciting stuff, I see the neurologist on Monday and then the urologist in a couple of weeks. The good news is I don't have epilepsy and I don't have to be on any antiseizure medicine. So anyway that has been my exciting last couple of days, I'll keep you all posted if I find out anymore.


Abby said...

Wow! I am glad you received (mostly) good news. Hopefully you will still find a way to get pain relief.

Ashley said...

Yikes! I wondered what happened. You knew that aspartame was bad and soda, wierd. Well I hope you are feeling ok so far! Good luck! Let me know what they find Monday.

Kelly Jensen said...

Oh Meggy! I am so sorry-- what the heck? I wish we were there to help with the kids and take care of you! We are thinking about you. You are so tough!
BTW, the birds and bees story is classic! I just read it to Mark- we can totally picture the whole thing!

kenz said...

Meg, wow you really went through the ringer. Sounds aweful. I hope your doing better. So I would like to have some good excuse as for why you don't have your shelf, but the truth is I totally forgot until last week my bro said, are you going to paint this shelf I made. So I apologize I will get it done this week and call you to get it to you! Sorry again, I have lost it I think :)

Kelli said...

Sheesh girl!! I'm sorry to hear of your troubles, doesn't sound like much fun at all. Please let us know how we can help. Can we bring you dinner...or take the kids for a few hours? Keep us posted! Glad nothing major is wrong. We'll keep ya in our prayers!

Robyn said...

Scary Megan! I hope you are ok! These things alway freak us out! You and your family and Kidney stones, I remember when Heather got those bad, yuck! Good luck! Im adding you know too, so we dont have to privatly blog stock anymore! And can you do me a favor and work on your sisters please, they need one of these!