Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Birds and the Bees

We were driving home tonight from a party with all of our kids and Ethan was asking all sorts of questions about babies and twins. Can you see where this is going?? My sister Kallee has twins and Ethan said I hope she has more twins and I was telling him that Kallee gets really sick when she is pregnant so she probably won't be having any more kids. Then he continued to ask how she had twins so I explained that she has eggs in her body and her body dropped down two eggs and that is how they got there. Then Ethan said I hope you and daddy get married again so you can have more kids and I said you don't have babies from getting married and he asked, well then how do you make babies? So I gave a very textbook answer and explained that daddy has sperm and mom has eggs and when daddies sperm fertilizes my egg it makes a baby. Then Ethan remembered that when you're pregnant you get really sick and he asked, daddy will you please stop giving mommy your sperm so she won't get pregnant? Johnny just replied, I'll try.


Slades said...

wow how funny. good thing he didn't say that to johnny at oh or something. hahaha. Work on that Johnny.

Little Lawrences said...

That is hysterical! Is that really all it takes? Ethan is wise beyond his years:)