Friday, May 30, 2008

A New Award

I don't know if there is an award for taking this many kids to the store, but there should be. After I loaded them all up I was laughing how they all had to be crammed in there, so I had to take a picture. I got a lot of funny looks in the store that day and people kept looking at my kids and counting them. I'm thinking I should make a shirt that says, "Yes, they're all mine".

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brand New

Well, I thought I would give blogging a try. So I'll just start with what's been going on with each of our kids.

Ethan just finished his first year of kindergarten. They had a big shakespeare festival a couple of weeks ago. His costume was pretty sad, it was a blanket and a lightsaber. He didn't mind he was just glad to not have to wear his uniform.
Porter just finished his 2nd year of preschool and can not wait to be in Kindergarten. We got his shots today and he told me he had to brave so that the Dr. would let him go to Kindergarten. He is on a soccer team and starts T-ball next week.
Bella also just finished preschool. She really loved her teacher but is excited to go to school with the boys next year. Bella is quite sassy and is always wearing something very unusual.

Joshua has to be the most curious/destructive baby I've ever seen. That kid is all over the place. He is so happy to be with the kids and loves to wrestle the boys.

Tess is 2 months old now. She's adorable and sleeping the nights, yeah!! She's smiles all the time and is happy as long as somebody is talking to her.