Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cooking 101

Lately Porter has been helping me make lunch while I finish with Ethan during school. He is a pro at making top ramen and can do it completely by himself. Well yesterday I had been canning peaches and had left stuff on the oven, I told Porter to just use another burner, which is apparently a lot harder than I thought. Shortly there after I smelled smoke and Porter was crying, I looked over the balcony and saw an apron that was singed. I told him to just throw it into the garage. Then he started crying again and I could smell wax in with the smoke so I ran downstairs and removed the melting plastic off of the oven. All was well and we finished up school ate a great healthy lunch of top ramen then we all got packed up to go visit Johnny at his office. Porter opened the door to the garage screaming FIRE! FIRE! This is what we found.

Apparently when something is still slightly burning you need to put it ALL the way out. Johnny is really happy that it burned the steps, but in my defense I wasn't the one who started it on fire :)


The White's said...

I love it, good job with the cooking class and now you just had a fire class too. you really teaching your kids alot at home! hahah

Kallee said...

I have always heard: Stop, Drop & Roll. I am not familiar with Laugh, Grab Camera, Blog :)

Jenn said...

Yikes! I'm glad you still have a home!

Ashley F. said...

Sooo, when Porter told you the apron was on fire you didn't feel the need to check it out? You just had him throw it outside? Hmmmm, not the best idea!!! LOL!