Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stupid door

Take a look at this picture. This is the reason why I think Clouseau lives on in my spirit. I was walking into the Legacy Center in Lehi the other day. I had ridden my scooter and I was in my workout clothes, and I made it through the outside doors just fine. However, as I was walking in between the outside and inside doors, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to check my sexy self out down at the end of the hall there in the reflective glass. As I was making sure I looked good, the door you see in this picture began shutting, as it is the handicapped door and shuts after it is opened with the button, and if you’ve noticed, it shuts hard. Anyway, I didn’t see it or hear it start shutting, and I walked straight into the skinny part of the door as it shut, and I was going at full speed. The door took the full brunt of the part of my forehead above my left eye, and I hit it so hard that it knocked my top teeth into my bottom teeth, and immediately left a goose egg. It staggered me pretty good, and a woman walking out had the audacity to ask me if I was OK? Of course I was OK, I was just checking out the wax on the floor! There are many types of wax! French wax, English wax, domestic wax…Peter Sellers must be chuckling if he saw that real-life Guy Gadois move. I’m a dork…


Laura said...

Oh my good hell i loved loved LOVED this story. I am glad i am not the only one that does things like this. I hope you are okay, but thanks for the laugh.

Davis Family said...

Just so you know, you are always a sexy momma, no need to keep checking! Funny story:)